CHESS implements the CHESS UML/SysML profile, a specialization of the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems (MARTE) profile


Automatic Test Generation for Function Block Diagrams


EMFtoCSP is a tool for the automatic verification of UML or EMF models annotated with OCL constraints

Modelio Constellation

Constellation organizes and manages collaborative (distributed) World Wide Modeling projects,

Moka Extension for logging

Moka extensions provides a number of plugins that extend the functionality of Papyrus Moka engine for fUML simulation:


NeoEMF is a project that aims at handling large EMF models in an efficient and scalable way.

Papyrus extension for AOM


Papyrus extensions offer a number of plugins that extend the functionality of Papyrus UML for Aspect Oriented Modeling (AOM). 


Single-source design approach based on UML - MARTE