CMA, acronym of Completeness Metric Analyzer, is a command-line tool for runtime monitoring of timing and State Machine status

EMF Views

EMF Views is an Eclipse plugin that brings the concept of database views to the modeling world


JTL is an EMF-based tool that allows you to design and manipulate models, maintain consistency and synchronize software artifacts, keep traceability during design.


Model-based Monitoring from Åbo Akademi (MBMÅA) tool
Model-based Performance Testing (MBPeT) tool

Performance Exploration using Reinforcement Learning (PerfXRL) tool

MATERA2-Activity Diagram Conformance Tester

MegaM@Rt2 Eclipse IDE

The MegaM@Rt2 Eclipse IDE bundles together a number of Eclipse-based MegaM@Rt2 tools, namely:


The open source modeling environment.

Modelio Constellation

Constellation organizes and manages collaborative (distributed) World Wide Modeling projects,


NeoEMF is a project that aims at handling large EMF models in an efficient and scalable way.


Performance-driven softwAre moDel Refactoring framEwork (PADRE) 


Xamber is a configuration tool for partitioned systems based on the hypervisor XtratuM