CHESS implements the CHESS UML/SysML profile, a specialization of the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems (MARTE) profile


Density-based cluster analysis engine (DBCAE) is an exploratory data analysis tool, which assesses the clusterability of a given data set and performs clus-
tering based on the results obtained from the clusterability evaluation


Automatic Test Generation for Function Block Diagrams

Convex Hull

Convex Hull (also known as SBQI, Software Build Quality Inspector) is a tool for finding novelties, anomalies and outliers in the data using unsupervised and semi-supervised paradigms


EMFtoCSP is a tool for the automatic verification of UML or EMF models annotated with OCL constraints

LIME Testbench

Runtime monitoring of model-based properties, and test case generation


Model-based Monitoring from Åbo Akademi (MBMÅA) tool
Model-based Performance Testing (MBPeT) tool

Performance Exploration using Reinforcement Learning (PerfXRL) tool

MATERA2-Activity Diagram Conformance Tester

MegaM@Rt2 Eclipse IDE

The MegaM@Rt2 Eclipse IDE bundles together a number of Eclipse-based MegaM@Rt2 tools, namely:


The open source modeling environment.

Moka Extension for logging

Moka extensions provides a number of plugins that extend the functionality of Papyrus Moka engine for fUML simulation:


PauWare engine is a Java API, i.e., a set of Java classes and interfaces making up an execution engine for State Chart XML (SCXML) and UML State Machine Diagrams


RCRS (the Refinement Calculus of Reactive Systems) is a compositional reasoning framework


Single-source design approach based on UML - MARTE